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Add your favourite tv shows to ted and ted will automatically download torrents of new episodes!
FS#27 - Put ted in the \"Startup\" folder
Let ted put himself in the \"Startup\" folder or somewhere in the registry such that ted is booted whenever windows starts up
This task depends upon

i believe this is only possible by using a good installer, this can;t be done from a java application :(

from a little search i did everybody says that this should be done with the installer script (what u said exactly roel), but, what if we made a class lets say startupClass wich takes a boolean argument for the constructor startupClass sc = new startupClass(true) checks for the os with the getproperties() and if it is windows register it as a windows service if its linux write it in the etc/init.d script, if its a mac i have no idea yet :P and if the argument is false delete the above action...

maybe contact Wuala developers since they offer an option to start Wuala at startup of mac.. ask how they did that :)