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FS#287 - Make a web UI
Attached to Project: Ted
Opened by Jofo (JoFo) - Saturday, 10 October 2009, 14:59 GMT+2
Last edited by Mike Stead (mike) - Saturday, 07 November 2009, 19:19 GMT+2
Opened by Jofo (JoFo) - Saturday, 10 October 2009, 14:59 GMT+2
Last edited by Mike Stead (mike) - Saturday, 07 November 2009, 19:19 GMT+2
Web UI for Ted
NOTES: * Requires the separation of ted's core from the UI. * The web UI would possibly be implemented using GWT. * Should consider the modularisation of TED's core into a seperate JAR, and including it as a dependency for both of the UI implementations. * Should consider separate projects for each UI implementation, as it would be useless to package the Swing code up with the GWT UI WAR. |
This task depends upon

See comment in: FS#283 - Make plug-in support for ted