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 Post subject: Split shows_clean and turn it over to the community?
PostPosted: Sat Oct 03, 2009 1:41 pm 

Joined: Sat Oct 03, 2009 1:25 pm
Posts: 1
Hey folks,

So - I discovered ted a few weeks ago and love it - but as a marketing/management guy with only web skills (I gave up desktop coding years ago), I don't think I'd be of much help to the source of the project.

But after looking through the wiki and forums, I think I may have found a way to help.

I'd like to propose you consider splitting shows_clean into several files and turning over two of them to be managed by someone else (Or a group of someone elses). This would not only make things easier on you (Why should you spend your time dealing with shows and such - you've got code to write!) but would also keep the files more up to date (New ones could be published weekly, for example, if there were enough people involved).

Here's the thought:
rsslocations.xml - This file would takeover for the <rsslocations> block in the current XML file. I'm giving it it's own file here more as a "future-proofing" means so that we (the community) can easily update it when new search engines arrive or others get shut down.
showlist.xml - This one should be obvious. The show list (<shows> block) would reside in here.
other.xml - File name is meaningless. This one would be for the existing weblocations, hdkeywords and private_trackers blocks - each which could easily become their own files if the need was there in time - or now should that be considered helpful for "future-proofing".

I'd be more than willing to take the helm in creating a system for this if it's something the developers were interested in.

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PostPosted: Sat Oct 03, 2009 4:55 pm 
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Hi! Good thoughts! We have a feature on our list that we want to make it easier for peeps to request shows (and add them to the XML).

We would like users to request shows from within ted (something we could make)
That requests should land somewhere on our site.
And some administrator should check the requests, add some extra data and publish them into a new xml version.

Maybe we could start with the last point, a web based admin panel for the shows list. Me and Joost have little web programming skills so it would be great if you could help us with that!

Splitting the shows.xml list could be done, but I think that is not really neccessary for making it manageble from the web. But you're right, we're misusing it for a lot of things besides shows :D


i watch: simpsons, south park, lost, top gear, true blood & fringe
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 Post subject: How about this:
PostPosted: Sun Oct 04, 2009 8:28 pm 

Joined: Mon Aug 17, 2009 8:29 am
Posts: 11
I'm willing to continue, but only thing I need is help from you developers, at least an (email) conversation.
This is purely Beta and am continuing as it is now, but in light of this, I have a lot of ideas with sharing the list.


Ps, the source code (in will not be available, that is my prerogative :)

Cheers, Starf0x

Last edited by Starf0x on Sun Oct 04, 2009 8:33 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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PostPosted: Sun Oct 04, 2009 8:32 pm 

Joined: Mon Aug 17, 2009 8:29 am
Posts: 11
I also agree by splitting the xml file, it took me some extra developing to get the relevant information.
The most important information for the enduser is the shows ofcourse.


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PostPosted: Sun Oct 04, 2009 9:27 pm 

Joined: Mon Aug 17, 2009 8:29 am
Posts: 11
My idea is as follows:

The enduser is able to add a show to your list. (and use it)
Then (after agreeing) the additions will be submitted to an online DB.
This DB will be checked by yourself or volunteers and can then be exported to a new list.

As simple as that. (Dutch: zo simpel is het)

Cheers, Starf0x

 Post subject: Re: How about this:
PostPosted: Mon Oct 05, 2009 10:25 pm 
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Starf0x wrote:
This is purely Beta and am continuing as it is now, but in light of this, I have a lot of ideas with sharing the list.

Okay, this looks quite nice :)Is it a web application btw? It does look like a desktop application but I my understanding was that this would be a web application.

The enduser is able to add a show to your list. (and use it)
Then (after agreeing) the additions will be submitted to an online DB.
This DB will be checked by yourself or volunteers and can then be exported to a new list.

I'm not really familiar with using databases but isn't that overkill for something small like this? Or is setting up a database quite simple?

Ps, the source code (in will not be available, that is my prerogative :)

Hmm, ted is open source so it would be nice if the source code is also available. I don't know if websites like SourceForge would have any trouble with that. They now host our files and it would be a shame if we get banned from there.

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PostPosted: Thu Oct 08, 2009 5:19 pm 

Joined: Thu Oct 08, 2009 1:18 am
Posts: 62
Just to throw my 2-cents into the ring.

I'm all for splitting out the clean_shows.xml to only be shows, or renaming it to something that more accurately reflects what it contains.

I think more useful for users though would be the ability to easily add custom shows. The current purpose of the clean_shows.xml seems to be to track conditions of a valid torrent (size, seeders), and the id.

Improvements to the 'add custom show' dialog could include the ability to search for shows by keywords. You could then select the show from the presented list, and the id would be known. Second, most of the min/max values are fairly common, and depend on the runtime and whether it's animation or not. This could easily be queried and set by default, with the option for the user to override.

I'm against anything if any part of it would run locally. I run OSX or Linux, so would be unable to easily use it. I especially wouldn't run it if the source is not available.

I also don't really see the need of a DB for this. The current running show list is maybe 400 shows. That should be easily stored in a file and a DB will just complicate matters.

I'd look towards how TV Forecast adds shows. It's an OSX dashboard app that tracks when the next episode of your show will come on, but it doesn't contain any show list. Most users will watch what, maybe 20 shows. These are easily added by the user with a search dialog.


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PostPosted: Thu Oct 08, 2009 8:16 pm 
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KenMacD wrote:
I'm all for splitting out the clean_shows.xml to only be shows, or renaming it to something that more accurately reflects what it contains.

We should indeed do this. I made an issue for this in our bug tracker.

Improvements to the 'add custom show' dialog could include the ability to search for shows by keywords. You could then select the show from the presented list, and the id would be known.

I don't get what you're trying to prove here. This is how the add show dialog currently works right?

Second, most of the min/max values are fairly common, and depend on the runtime and whether it's animation or not. This could easily be queried and set by default, with the option for the user to override.

Yeah, I think we should have 3 or 4 defaults here: 20, 30, 40 or 60 min show.

I also don't really see the need of a DB for this. The current running show list is maybe 400 shows. That should be easily stored in a file and a DB will just complicate matters.

I counted them yesterday and there are 288 shows if you're interested in numbers :)

I'd look towards how TV Forecast adds shows. It's an OSX dashboard app that tracks when the next episode of your show will come on, but it doesn't contain any show list. Most users will watch what, maybe 20 shows. These are easily added by the user with a search dialog.

I'll have a look at that show.

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