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User survey

09 02 10 - 23:24

Help us shape the future for ted, take our user survey!

We are exited to find out what you think of ted and what you think of some possible future improvements! The survey will help us to identify weak points of ted and decide what new features you definitly need so we can give those things attention.

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two comments

A few suggestions:

1) It’d be great to add a checkbox to the show details dialog to temporarily disable a show. I think it makes sense to not advance what it thinks is current; re-enabling the show should likely resume downloading episodes where it left off. If that means collecting a whole mess of episodes, so be it.

2) While each show has a keyword filter applied to it, providing a ted-wide filter would be great, too. The ted-wide filter is default, and the show filter would supersede it; an option to revert to ted-wide defaults would be a quick path back.

3) It’d be useful to add a delay option in processing a show. This concept applies two-fold:
a) A show airs in the evening — why start looking earlier in the day? I don’t want to crank up the search interval because then I miss the immediacy in downloading a torrent, but it doesn’t make sense to be searching all day… How about a global option to not start searching for a particular show until after a certain time?
b) Along these same lines, searching too soon after a popular show has aired can net false-positives — files that meet all the criteria (filename, size, keywords, etc) but are bogus. With a delay, I can minimize those false-positives by waiting to search until after I know the show has aired, maybe plus a period for people to get the show up and seeded… ted can pick a more popular torrent, and I get better assurances of a real episode. This wouldn’t be a global option, but rather a show-dependent one.

4) If there aren’t any shows scheduled to air for a few days, why does ted keep checking for new episodes according to the configured time interval? I feel like it should take a nap and not do anything until the next show air-date.. this would also prevent false-positives of popular shows from people trying to get their fake-ware downloaded by these automated tools before the real content is made available.

Other than those minor quibbles, ted rocks and has made my life a whole lot simpler — thank you!
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