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 Post subject: We need your help: private trackers
PostPosted: Sun Apr 05, 2009 5:05 pm 
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Today I implemented the feature that makes sure that no torrents from private trackers will be downloaded. A private tracker needs registration and as most of the users of ted probably won't have that the torrent will be useless.

Therefor we need your help to generate a list of popular private trackers which are often seen in the rss feeds ted uses. An example of such a private tracker is This is one that is often seen in the rss feed of Mininova, see for example the feed of Lost.

If you know other private trackers please post them in this topic. They'll be included in the next version of ted.


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PostPosted: Tue Apr 07, 2009 1:19 pm 

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Can you at least include this as an option that can be disabled (even if it's enabled by default)? I'm working on some options to get around this for the time being via automated scripts, and not downloading any of these torrents would introduce a lot more manual work.

Ideally, it would be nice if something was built into ted to handle private trackers - something where you could set up a tracker filter, and for each tracker, specify the passkey. Ted could do some regexp work on the announce URL and swap out the placeholder passkey with a legitimate one specified by the user for that tracker before it writes the torrent to the selected download folder.

This same mechanism could even be used to tell ted to ignore torrents for specific trackers. This could give users a bit more flexibility for what trackers/torrents they want to use.

I was thinking of grabbing the code and adding something like this myself if I have some time, but seeing as you're working on something that could (potentially) tie in with this I figured I'd throw this out there.

As far as additional sites with private trackers:

Thanks for a great app!

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PostPosted: Wed Apr 15, 2009 12:01 am 
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There's a LOT, but the 3 that I primarily use (in order of used most to least):

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PostPosted: Fri Apr 17, 2009 12:52 pm 
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I think I just realized what you were actually asking. :-(

I have began to have problems with it also.. All of these private torrents that are now listed in Mininova (the 2 you list are pretty prevalent: xtremespeeds and torrent-outpost).. There are a couple more that I've gotten, but I don't remember them off the top of my head, I'll have to go look for them.

I just wish we were able to add our own (ANY) private tracker as the feed, instead of just a small list - then it would completely bypass all of these problems..

Anyway....Excellent Suggestion.

I'm also debating on testing RSS support from the Torrent App (and not using TED - at least for the shows which are becoming a problem and causing manual intervention anyway)....which is really sad, because TED has been "THE" best app that I've used in a LONG time!

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PostPosted: Fri Apr 17, 2009 1:34 pm 

Joined: Thu Oct 09, 2008 11:36 pm
Posts: 33

As you said, this is a much needed setting. It would make sense to have these in a list that people can add to / alter under Ted's settings.

Thanks for all the hard work you put into this great program.

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PostPosted: Thu Apr 23, 2009 3:36 am 

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I was just coming to see what could be done about this.

I'm having quite a few problems with torrents from

Nice to see you are already taking steps.

Well done.


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PostPosted: Mon Apr 27, 2009 11:18 am 

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Hope this can be implemented soon.

I guess I am having 1false torrent / day , usually from


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PostPosted: Tue Apr 28, 2009 6:30 pm 

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In my opinion, there should be checkboxes for allowing/disallowing sources, as some users may be members.

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PostPosted: Wed Apr 29, 2009 10:24 pm 
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For the first version there will be an option to turn this on and off. That will be it. The second version could contain the option to select your own private trackers.

(You can always remove the trackers from the xml file for your own needs)

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PostPosted: Sat May 09, 2009 7:39 am 

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The private tracker thing has been annoying me as well but there is a switch for the Mininova RSS feed (&nopriv) that appears to cause private trackers to be ignored. If I delete xtvi and btjunkie (I'm sorry but btjunkie always semed to give me more fake files) I keep private trackers to a minimum.

The only private tracker I have ever used is, easily the best source for UK TV.

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PostPosted: Sat May 09, 2009 1:53 pm 
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jaimieh wrote:
The private tracker thing has been annoying me as well but there is a switch for the Mininova RSS feed (&nopriv) that appears to cause private trackers to be ignored. If I delete xtvi and btjunkie (I'm sorry but btjunkie always semed to give me more fake files) I keep private trackers to a minimum.

The only private tracker I have ever used is, easily the best source for UK TV.

Excellent!!! That works. How did you find out about the &nopriv option?

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PostPosted: Mon May 11, 2009 8:04 am 

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I did a google for mininova and private trackers. I figured that the easiest way would be to avoid torrents that contained the phrase "passkey".
Cannot find one for xtvi so I have removed it from my feeds. I now only use mininova and tvrss.
The url is here ... 30509.html

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PostPosted: Tue May 12, 2009 6:14 pm 

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I have this problem as well, but due to Ted not being able to run on OSX via the developer builds I cannot test it out. :(

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PostPosted: Wed May 13, 2009 4:36 am 

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jaimieh: I don't like that at all, as my private trackers use it :S If Ted breaks compatibility with the trackers I've signed up for it's virtually unusable for me.

As for the post jaimieh found, it seems adding "?nopriv" to the rss feed url from mininova will filter out the torrents leading to private trackers. Adding this will help loads, and shouldn't break compatibility with trackers the user is registered with.


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PostPosted: Wed May 13, 2009 5:57 pm 
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the development build for osX has been fixed. We used the wrong java version while building ted :oops:
see the wiki how to get the development build up and running


i watch: simpsons, south park, lost, top gear, true blood & fringe
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