ted makes downloading TV shows easy!

We are two TV addicts. The internet is great to provide us with our favorite TV shows free, early and watchable on demand. We always had to spend lots of time to keep up to date with the newest episodes. Until we created ted, our torrent episode downloader.


ted can find episodes of any TV show you like to watch. Just add your favorite shows to ted and he will search for the newest episodes and downloads them for you. ted uses bittorrent and RSS technology to get you the newest episodes as fast as possible!


main window mac add show edit show screenshot
main window add show edit show screenshot

win - mac
demo video

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ted comes with a huge list of shows, all waiting for you to be watched. ted even displays a summary of each show, to help you choose shows you like.


Using the best torrent websites available, ted downloads healthy torrents for your shows and passes them on to your favorite bittorrent client. You can use ted with Azureus, uTorrent, Tomato Torrent, Transmission or any other torrent client.


After your torrent client has finished downloading an episode, you can start watching! It is that easy to keep up to date with your shows!


  • free
  • saves time, no more manual searching
  • no commercials in your episodes
  • easy to use
  • earlier than broadcasts in europe
  • knows the airdates of your shows
  • contains a huge list with predefined shows
  • watch what you want, when you want
  • ted is available in multiple languages

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