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 Post subject: Each show in own subfolder + which torrent client
PostPosted: Thu Mar 31, 2011 10:19 pm 

Joined: Fri Feb 05, 2010 6:44 am
Posts: 3
Hi, I've been trying for some time to setup an automated torrent media center. Basically, I want the torrents for certain shows to automatically download and for xbmc to scrape them. I've tried various combinations of applications and workflows such as uTorrent's RSS and directories, TED, theRenamer, TV Rename, etc. and none work. XBMC requires shows to be in their own subfolder in order to scrape and none of the apps (uTorrent, theRenamer, TV Rename) I've managed to successfully move well (not to mention issues with breaking the seeding).

Now there is this new feature in TED where the torrent from each show downloads in its own subfolder. I've done a quick test of this and it works great (the .torrent appears in the appropriate folder). This appeals to me as it seems to be a very simple solution to my problem. I imagine TED downloading the .torrent to an appropriate folder and a torrent client simply downloading the show to the same folder as the .torrent. Simple. However, uTorrent seems to not be able to have the downloaded files be in the same folder as that of the .torrent so this new TED feature is useless with uTorrent. Does anyone know of the good client that can do this?

Now admittedly I see that a lot of users are having issues with TED not downloading the torrent from the feed. I used TED some time ago and it worked great. I've just installed and set it up and it does seem less great, but it still seems better and simpler than uTorrent's RSS and for now I want to try it but making use of this great new feature.

 Post subject: Re: Each show in own subfolder + which torrent client
PostPosted: Sat Jun 04, 2011 7:59 pm 

Joined: Sun May 29, 2011 7:50 pm
Posts: 9
Here is my setup that I have.

If you are using mac os x this will help you.

1. I have TED search for torrent files of tv shows and it dumps them into a folder called Torrent files on my desktop.

2. I have Transmission look at this folder and if it sees torrent files it will automatically add them and start downloading.

3. Once downloading completes I have Transmission move the completed torrent to a staging folder called Completed Torrents which is on a USB Drive (where all my media is contained anyways)

4. When the mac detects that new media has arrived in the "Completed Torrents" folder I have it run this Automation script:

on run {input, parameters}

tell application "Finder"
set this_folder to folder "Completed Torrents" of disk "Movies and Files"
set default_path to folder "TV Series" of folder "Movies" of disk "Movies and Files"
set this_list to entire contents of this_folder

repeat with i in this_list

if kind of i is not "folder" then

if (name of i) contains "House" then
my MoveMovies(i, "House", default_path)
end if

if (name of i) contains "Anatomy" then
my MoveMovies(i, "Greys Anatomy", default_path)
end if

if (name of i) contains "Gear" then
my MoveMovies(i, "Top Gear", default_path)
end if

if (name of i) contains "Crowd" then
my MoveMovies(i, "The IT Crowd", default_path)
end if

if (name of i) contains "South" then
my MoveMovies(i, "South Park", default_path)
end if

if (name of i) contains "Stargate" then
my MoveMovies(i, "Stargate Universe", default_path)
end if

if (name of i) contains "Dexter" then
my MoveMovies(i, "Dexter", default_path)
end if

if (name of i) contains "Weeds" then
my MoveMovies(i, "Weeds", default_path)
end if
--If item is a folder and it is empty move to trash! Cleanup from last run!
if (count items) of i is 0 then
delete i
end if

--skip as there is stuff in the folder.
end if

on error errText number errNum
if (errNum is equal to 0) then
-- file already moved.
end if

if (errNum is equal to -15267) then
delete i
end if
end try
end repeat
end tell
return input
end run

on MoveMovies(movie_name, show_name, default_path)
tell application "Finder"
set a to movie_name
set b to show_name
set c to default_path

if (exists folder b of c) then
move a to folder b of c
make new folder at c with properties {name:b}
move a to folder b of c
end if
end tell
end MoveMovies

As you can see for every show you add to TED you will have to manually add another if statment to the script but it is not hard to do. That way you can name your folder what ever you want and your mac will do all the work for you. This script also checks your "completed torrents" folder for empty folders and cleans them up for you after a move was completed.

I am still working on this script so check back to my original posting from a few days ago for updates to it.

I use Plex so it does the rest from there automatically as so would XBMC I would assume.

Let me know if you need help in setting this up for yourself.

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