Config Look And Feel

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Open the look and feel preferences window by clicking Edit -> Preferences... in the main menu of ted and select the Look and Feel tab.


Starting ted

There are two options you can set for starting up ted. First, you can set whether ted should be added to the system tray (the bottom right part of your screen on windows). The second option is that you can let ted start minimized. This way the UI of ted is not visible when starting up and ted can keep looking for new episodes in the background.


You can enable or disable the alerts that ted shows when he finds a new episode or encounters an error.


Logging can be disabled. You can also enable or disable the backup copy of the log in a file. This backup log file will be cleared every time you start ted so it doesn't get too big.

You can find the log file in your documents and settings folder.


The language ted uses can be changed by selecting the desired language from the dropdown menu.

The latest version of the translations can be found here. If you want to adjust a translation or you want to translate ted in your own language you can find information here.

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