Expand show list

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If you want to see some shows added to the list of shows that come with ted you can either post a request in the Show Request forum, or you can help us by retrieving the information for these shows yourself and sent it to us.

Using ted

In the Add Show dialog click on Add a custom show which will open the General tab of a newly created empty show. In this tab fill in the name of the show and select if this is a normal or a daily show. Then go to the Feeds tab where the feeds can be added ted uses to search for new shows. By using the add option you can easily add feeds. Mostly we use the feeds of tvrss, torrentspy and mininova, but make sure that whichever feeds you add is listed in the supported torrent sites list. And finally you can set some filters for the show by going to the Filters tab. for a 30 minutes show (20 without commercials) the 150-250 MB size filter is used. For one hour show this setting will be 300-400 MB. For the seeders filter we mostly use 50. Click on Add and you're done for this show.

The only thing not saved for this show at the moment is the TV.com show ID. You can manually add this by using a text editor (see Manually below) or leave it open, we'll then add it.

By using the described way you can add as many shows as you want. To save the information select Export shows to XML... in the File menu. You'll get a dialog which asks you where you want to save the xml file so select the appropriate directory.


To manually add shows open a text editor and copy and paste the xml structure below in it.

      <feed>Location of feed</feed>+
   <daily>True or False</daily>*
   <minimumsize>Integer value</minimumsize>*
   <maximumsize>Integer value</maximumsize>*
   <seeders>Integer value</seeders>*
   <keywords>String of Keywords</keywords>*
   <releaseday>Day of week</releaseday>*
      <episode>Integer value</episode>*
   <tv_com>TV.com ID</tv_com>

The identifier + means that one or more entries is needed for this tag, * means that this tag is optional (and thus can be left out) and no identifier means that the tag always is required.

The TV.com ID can be found by searching for this show on TV.com, use the search to find the show. The ID of the show can now be extracted from the URL. If you've searched for Lost you get the following URL: http://www.tv.com/lost/show/24313/summary.html?q=&tag=search_results;title;1 The ID here is the number 24313.

Send show information

After you've mace a list of shows (or a single show) you can sent the xml file created by ted or the manually made list to (or post in on the forum). We'll then release a new show file as fast as possible so that others also can add these shows to their ted.

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